About Us

A Picture of Tarakeswar

In our community, there is no hospital.  There is one government primary school and one government secondary school.  There is not a single English school, so children have no access to English education and the world of possibilities it would open.  Child abuse and child marriage are common.  People are very poor, so children are sent to work to earn money, and are encouraged to marry early so that they can leave their parents’ houses, support themselves, and start their own families.  Education is not a main focus – survival is.

Our Vision for Tarakeswar

When we see the people of Tarakeswar – especially the children – we see not only the heartbreaking devastation of poverty, but also the possibilities for help, hope, and a better future.  If we can help children to grow up well and healthy, in spite of these difficult circumstances . . . if we can encourage education that will equip people for better jobs . . . if we can work against the causes and culture of poverty, one person at a time, then our entire community will be changed.

Our Ministry

We operate locally within our community, meeting people’s needs in any way we are able – whether offering an encouraging word or providing physical relief during seasons of flooding.

Our main focus at this time is the children in our community.  At our Discipleship Child Development Center (DCDC), we provide holistic child development programs, caring for children’s emotional and physical health, supporting their education, providing them with fun activities, and helping them understand important issues in our community that affect them directly.

All of these programs require financial support, and we are very grateful for all donations.  Our child development programs are funded primarily through child sponsorship, which also provides children with a one-on-one relationship with a caring sponsor who will encourage them.