
One-Time Gift

Support our work in India by donating via PayPal.*

Learn more about our programs.


Sponsor a Child

Child sponsorship is $25/month. PayPal charges a fee of 2.9% plus $0.30 per transaction. Automatic payments can be set up using the PayPal forms below.*


Monthly Obligation

Number of Sponsored Children
Sponsor Name

Learn about sponsoring a child.

Learn about the need in India.


Other Sponsorship Options

Additional Sponsorship Options
Sponsor Name


*Address is required due to government regulations.

*Your donation through this PayPal Donate button will be sent to Loving Hands, which supports TCWA, through Lasting Treasure Ministries, Inc. Lasting Treasure Ministries will wire the full amount of your donation less the small PayPal fee to a bank account in India for transfer to Loving Hands. Donating through Lasting Treasure Ministries allows donors to donate easily with PayPal, since PayPal is not supported by Indian regulations for Indian charities (NGOs). Lasting Treasure Ministries, Inc. is a registered non-profit corporation according to the laws of the state of Connecticut. Lasting Treasure Ministries, Inc. is approved by the IRS for tax-deductible donations under 501(c)(3).

*PayPal account or account creation is required.